What to do with worn T-shirts, that accompanied you in various living situation, but are not of any function for you anymore? That’s right – You can exchange them during Germany’s first ShirtMob! Next Friday, the 27th of April a huge shirt swapping action will take place at Berlin Alexanderplatz. Initiated by Beyond Berlin and…
Autor: Lara Schillings
HubbaBubba Street Art
Old chewing gum that gets stuck on the sidewalks is pretty hard to be removed. Dropped unconsciously, these white spots form an uneven pattern throughout our cities. It costs quite some money to clean the streets from unwanted gum each year. Ben Wilson had a better idea. The English wood carver and street artist developed a…
Esther Perbandt AW2012 collection
Next week Esther Perbandt will present her Autumn/Winter Collection 2012 at Capsule Berlin. What you can look forward to is a collection kept completely in black with recyclable chains and deconstructed tartan that reminds of elegant aesthetics in old Hitchcock movies. 60 % of the fabrics used for the sample collection are sustainable and with…
Toast & Jam Vintage Fashion Fair
During Berlin Fashion Week, we won’t only look at new creations but can also visit a fabulous vintage market that will take place right opposite the Bread & Butter, which is held in the buildings of the old Flughafen Tempelhof again. Toast & Jam, the felicitous name of the three-day Vintage Fashion fair, will happen…
Making the Invisible Visible
Together with the German Street art collective Mentalgassi and the advertising agency Wieden + Kennedy, Amnesty International initiated a series of street art actions in several European cities as part of their ‘Making the Invisible Visible’ campaign. Posters of six individuals who became victims of human rights abuse were cut in thin stripes and taped…
Auf ein erfolgreiches neues Jahr
Liebe Leser, Wir wünschen euch allen Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Start ins Jahr 2012. Wir haben ein spannendes und ereignisreiches Jahr hinter uns mit vielen Entwicklungen und Veränderungen und möchten uns an dieser Stelle bei euch bedanken für die tolle Unterstützung und das Verfolgen eines gemeinsamen Zieles – den Weg in eine nachhaltigere Welt….
German Fashion Kitchen features Esther Perbandt
Which special meals do German fashion designers like to prepare at home? That was the question the authors from the Blogzine Nahtlos asked themselves and there it was – the idea for a unique cookbook. In German Fashion Kitchen 55 designers reveal their kitchen secrets, among them also Esther Perbandt with her favourite recipe, fillet…
Utilité – a Story about Passion and Patience
Utilité by Ellen Korth is no standard Do-It-Yourself book. Although we haven’t seen it in real life yet, the video presentation already made us love it. Ellen Korth visited 40 women and men at home and documented how passionate they knitted, crocheted or weaved. Utilité, which became more of an object than a book, is…
First CLUBMOB in Berlin
Tonight – we know it’s Monday – but tonight the first CLUBMOB will happen in Kreuzberg’s club SO36. So if you feel like it, join the party and dance the night away into a greener tomorrow! All money that is earned during the event will be reinvested to improve the energy balance of the club….
Cooking without bones
The title sounds even better in German – Kochen ohne Knochen – already says it all, vegan cuisine for the hip eco-aware consumer. Cooking without bones is a booklet with recipes for people who don’t eat meat and want an alternative to conventional vegetarian cookbooks – or healthy diet magazines. Besides recipes, a restaurant check…