The IVN (International Association for Natural textiles) and Beyond Berlin organize a round table at the BEYOND FASHION SUMMIT 2012 at the STATION Berlin. The goal of the Round Table is to outline a possible common agenda and ways of using it for medial and political purposes.
Among the participating initiatives are: Greenpeace International, Fair Wear Foundation, Transfair e.V., Stiftung OEKO-TEX®, TÜV Rheinland, Informationsdienst Gentechnik, Clean Clothes Campaign, Christliche Initiative Romero, INKOTA-netzwerk e.V., Itkam / TF Certificaton, Trusted Footprint, GOTS, and IVN.
Every stage of the textile production process has its unique challenges where sustainability is concerned. Eco-labels and initiatives concentrate on different sets of problems and offer varied methods of resolution.
Fredericke Winkler from Beyond Berlin: “The resulting complexity overwhelms the industry, retailers and consumers alike. With the round table, we would like your help to create a common framework that will reduce complexity and enhance transparency. The intention is not to judge, but rather to find a common angle and a common agenda.”able, we would like your help to create a common framework that will reduce complexity and enhance transparency. The intention is not to judge, but rather to find a common angle and a common agenda.”