DaWanda verlost übrigens auch noch zwei Tickets für unseren Summit. Bis Freitag könnt ihr noch beim Gewinnspiel mitmachen indem ihr einfach unter DaWandas Post schreibt warum ihr zum Summit kommen solltet.
Viel Glück!
During the Summit DaWanda will arrange an exclusive DIY-Programme in our Re-Creation Lounge. The two shop owners MachLach and Mad in Berlin will show what they have to offer live and on the spot. Mad in Berlin will bring their own digital printing machine to create some products for our summit participants. Take a look at their online shop, rummage through their prints and find your personal favourite. I’m really into the ‘Berlin homeland’ illustrations like the drawing of Berlin-Friedrichshain, where Mad in Berlin is located as well, or the chubby lady who claims: eigentlich haben alle det richtije jewicht, bloß manche sind n bisschen zu kleen dafür (everyone has the right weight but some are simply to small-sized for it, in Berlin slang). Very cute and also customisable.
By the way, till Friday DaWanda still raffles two free tickets for our summit. To win you simply need to comment on DaWanda’s post and state why you should be attending this year’s Beyond Fashion Summit.
Good Luck!